Research Interests

Structural reconstruction of the Zone of Erbendorf/Vohenstrauß (ZEV) using three-dimensional modelling software. The Mesozoic tectonic history of the region was removed incrementally to discern the post-Variscan state of the ZEV. Specifically, the following stages were modelled;
  1. Neogene block faulting
  2. Upper Cretaceous transpression (see Tanner et al. 1998; Sp. Publ. of Geol. Soc. London 135, 275-287)

More about the 3D modelling and models in VRML format

3D structural reconstruction of the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Dolomites. This project has just begun and is part of the Transalp Project.
  Using structural and petrological tools to understand the features and properties of migmatites. This work has concentrated on the migmatites of the Moldanubian gneisses of the Oberpfälzer Wald (Western Bohemian Massif). I have published the following papers on this subject;


My doctoral dissertation, accepted by the Faculty of Natural Science, Gießen University, Germany in December 1995, was entitled "Strukturen und Gefüge in hochgradig metamorphen Gneisen der mittleren Oberpfälz und Westböhmens" (Structure and textures of the high-grade metamorphic gneisses of the middle Oberpfälz and western Bohemia). It is now published under the same name as part of the "Gießener Geologische Schriften" (Nr.57, 175pp, 1996. Lenz-Verlag, Gießen; ISSN 0340-0654). I have published many of the results of my dissertation as separate papers;

Some offprints are still available.