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Djordje GrujicGeologisches InstitutAlbertstr. 23-BD-79104 Freiburg i. Br.Tel.: +49 (0)761 - 203 6499Fax: +49 (0)761 - 203 6496email: dgrujic@dal.ca |
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In collaboration with: Cameron
Davidson, Lincoln
S. Hollister, Keith
Klepeis, Randall R.
Parrish, Stefan M. Schmid, and Diane
In collaboration with Neil S.
In collaboration with: Guido Schreurs and Diane Seward.
Mapping of the "Andringitra protected zone", south Madagascar.
In collaboration with: WWF-Madagascar, and research students: Jürgen
Bäuerle, Sanna Mrkwiczka.
Tektonische Arbeitsmethoden II (Advanced Structural Geology - Tectonics). Summer Semester.
Oberseminar: "Geologische Prozesse in Kollisionszonen". Winter Semester.
Grujic, D. 1988. Pencil structures and rotation of décollement sheets in Sirogojno area, Annales Géologiques de la Péninsule Balkanique, 51, 287-291.
Grujic, D. 1993. The influence of initial fold geometry on Type 1 and Type 2 interference patterns, an experimental approach. J. Struct. Geol. 15, 293-307.
Grujic, D. & Mancktelow, N. S. 1995.Folds with axes parallel to the extension direction: an experimental study, J. Struct. Geol. 17, 279-291.
Gardien, V., Thompson, A.B., Grujic, D. & Ulmer, P. 1995. Experimental melting of biotite + plagioclase + quartz ± muscovite assemblages and implication for crustal melting. J.Geophys.Res. 100, 15,581-15,591.
Vasconcelos, C., McKenzie, J. A., Bernasconi, S., Grujic, D. & Tien,
A.J. 1995. Microbial mediation as a possible mechanism for natural dolomite
formation at low temperatures. Nature. 377, 220-222.
Grujic, D. & Mancktelow,N. S. 1996. Structure of the northern Maggia and Lebendun Nappes, Lepontine Alps, Switzerland, Eclogae geol. Helv. 89/1, 461-504.
Grujic, D., Casey, M., Davidson, C., Hollister, L., Kündig, R., Pavlis, T. & Schmid, S. 1996. Ductile extrusion of the Higher Himalayan Crystalline in Bhutan: evidence from quartz microfabrics, Tectonophysics.260, 21-44.
Davidson, D., Grujic, D., Hollister, L.S., Schmid, S.M. 1997. Metamorphic reactions related to decompression and synkinematic intrusion of leucogranite, High Himalayan Crystallines, Bhutan.,Journal of Metamorphic Geology. 15, 593-612.
Grujic, D. & Mancktelow, N.S.1998. Melt-bearing shear zones: analogue experiments and comparison with examples from southern Madagascar. Journal of Structural Geology,20, 673-680.
Mancktelow, N.S., Grujic, D. & Johnson, E.L. 1998. An SEM study of porosity and grain boundary microstructure in quartz mylonites, Simplon Fault Zone, Central Alps. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, 131, 71-85.
Grujic, D., Schreurs, G. & Seward. D. in press. Long-time geologic stability of Andringitra massif: evidence from Apatite fission-track thermochronology.Akon'nyAla.
Photo articles:
Grujic, D. 1990. Pamir, Galaksija, 224, 34-39. Belgrade.
Grujic, D. 1991. Cappadocia, Galaksija, 225, 42-47. Belgrade.
Grujic, D. & Schreurs, G. 1996. The Quest for Sapphires, Earth,5,76-79.
Grujic, D. 1996. Bhutan - geology in Shangrila -, Himalayan Notes, 7&8, 19-23. Tempe, AZ.
Grujic, D. in press Aufstieg und Niedergang des Himalaya am Beispiel Bhutans, Die Alpen., Bern