Kurzfassungen von Tagungsbeiträgen 1995-2003
Geologisches Institut
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau
Stand: 1.7.2003
Behrmann, J.H. (2003) Rifts never die: Structure of the Upper Rhine Graben, and bearing on young and recent tectonics. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-11902 (Compact Disc).
Bertrand, G. & Dufayt, O. (2003) Are rainshowers triggering earthquakes? An attempt to link Hydrology and Seismicity in the Upper Rhine Graben (France-Germany border). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-05519 (Compact Disc).
Bertrand, G., Horstmann, M., Herrmann, O. & Behrmann, J. (2003) Oblique continental rifting revealed by 3D retro-deformation : example of the Upper Rhine Graben. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-05473 (Compact Disc).
Brüstle, A., Nivière, B., Bertrand, G., Gourry, J.C., Carretier, S., Fracassi, U. & Winter, T. (2003) Evidences of Pleistocene tectonic deformations along the SE border of the Upper Rhine Graben (Freiburg area, Germany). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-05410 (Compact Disc).
Cornu, T. & Bertrand, G. (2003) Multi-domain mechanical modelling of the Upper Rhine Graben Cenozoic rifting. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-05698 (Compact Disc).
Deyhle, A., Kopf, A., Eisenhauer, A. & Wallmann, K. (2003) Boron isotopes of sediments and pore-fluids in the Costa Rica subduction zone and their implications for fluid-rock interaction and geochemical cycling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-07209 (Compact Disc).
Deyhle, A. & Kopf, A. (2003) Boron geochemistry of mud volcano products and their significance for global B cycling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-07485 (Compact Disc).
Henk, A., Kukulus, M. & Junker, R. (2003) Evolution of the central Walvis Basin / offshore NW Namibia - balancing onshore erosion and offshore sedimentation. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-04412 (Compact Disc).
Kilian, R., Wendt, G., Arévalo, M., Fesq-Martin, M., Schneider, C., Casassa, G. & Behrmann, J. (2003) New sedimentological and palynological implications on the late glacial to recent deglaciation of the southernmost Andes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-05253 (Compact Disc).
Kopf, A., Brown, K.M. & Underwood, M.B. (2003) Why are most subduction thrusts weak? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-07129 (Compact Disc).
Krecher, M. (2003) The Lower Carboniferous sediments of the Southern Vosges (NE-France): basin fill and implications for Variscan geodynamics. Abstract, International Congress on Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy, Utrecht,The Netherlands.
Luz, A. & Hoskin, P. (2003) The smoking gun: hydrothermal fluorite rare-earth elements preserve evidence of basement plagioclase alteration (southwest Germany). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-06793 (Compact Disc).
Michon, L. & Merle, O. (2003) Mode of lithospheric extension: Conceptual models from analogue modeling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-02095 (Compact Disc).
Michon, L. & Van Balen, R.T. (2003) Characterization and quantification of the neotectonics of the Roer Valley rift system from high precision digital elevation model analysis. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-02102 (Compact Disc).
Moerz, T., Brueckmann, W., Kopf, A., Kreiter, S., Wallmann, K. & Suess, E. (2003) Deep sourced mounds offshore Costa Rica: A mechanism for non-magmatic forearc recycling of oceanic crust ? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5: EAE03-A-10182 (Compact Disc).
Bertrand, G., Behrmann, J.H., Horstmann, M., Hermann, O. & Tanner D.C. (2002) 3D inverse modeling of the southern Upper Rhine Graben : new insights on continental oblique rifting. Bollettino di Geofisica, 42(1/2) supplement: 261-265.
Cornu T. & Bertrand G. (2002) Mechanical modeling : retro-deformation of the Rhinegraben. Bollettino di Geofisica, 42(1/2) supplement, p. 153-157.
Junker, R., Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2002) Postrift-Sedimentation im Walvis-Becken offshore NW-Namibia - eine quantitative Analyse. - In: Niehbuhr, B. (ed.): Geo 2002: Programm und Kurzfassungen, Würzburg, 1.-5.10.2002. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 182.
Junker, R., Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2002) Postrift-Sedimentation im Walvis-Becken offshore NW-Namibia - eine quantitative Analyse. In: Hüssner, H., Hinderer, M., Götz, A. E. & Petschick, R. (eds.): Sediment 2002: Kurzfassungen und Programm, Frankfurt a. M. - Darmstadt, 29.-31.5.2002. Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 17: 103-104.
Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2002) "Source to Sink" - Balancing erosion and sedimentation along a traverse across the Namibian passive continental margin. In: Niehbur, B. (ed): Geo 2002: Programm und Kurzfassungen, Würzburg, 1.-5.10.2002. Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 211-212.
Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2002) "Source to Sink" - Balancing erosion and sedimentation along a traverse across the Namibian passive continental margin. In: Gatliff, R., Walker, I., Cartwright, J. & Mitchener, B. (eds.): Frontier Exploration of Volcanic Continental Margins, Geol. Soc. London Petroleum Group Meeting, 17th - 18th September 2002, conference abstracts.
Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2002) "Source to Sink" - Bilanzierung von Erosion und Sedimentation entlang einer Traverse über den passiven Kontinentalrand von NW-Namibia. In: Hüssner, H., Hinderer, M., Götz, A.E. & Petschick, R. (eds.): Sediment 2002: Kurzfassungen und Programm, Frankfurt a. M. - Darmstadt, 29.-31.5.2002.., Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 17: 124-125.
Lutz, M., Hagdorn, H., Käding, K.-C., Lepper, J. & Menning, M. (2002) Lithostratigraphische Formationen und allostratigraphische Folgen im Zechstein und in der Germanischen Trias. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 231.
Michon, L., Merle, O., Simmelink, E. & Pagnier, H. (2002) The Roer Valley Graben evolution in the West European Rift. Abstract, Nac VI, Veldhoven, 2.6.
Michon, L. & Merle, O. (2002) Dynamique de l'extension continentale: du rift continental aux marges passives. Abstract, 19ème RST, Nantes, 178-179.
Michon, L. & Merle, O. (2002) Evolution cénozoïque et origine du Rift Ouest-Européen. Abstract, 19ème RST, Nantes, 178.
Rangin, C., Bertrand, G., Pubellier, M. & Chamot-Rooke, N. (2002) Tectonics of the India-Eurasia oblique motion : evidences from ductile and brittle fabrics in Myanmar. The 17th geological HKT workshop, Gangtok, Sikkim, India, March 25th-27th 2002.
Sachs, O. & Pflug, R. (2002) Erzeugung ähnlicher Oberflächenstrukturen auf Gesteinsfragmenten mittels zwei verschiedener geologischer Prozesse: plastische Deformation durch Faltung und durch ein Impaktergeignis. Erlanger geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 3: 83-84.
Sachs, O. & Pflug, R. (2002) Ein kleiner Patchreef-Komplex aus dem Urgon im Bereich des Diapirs von Peñacerrada, Sierra de Cantabria (Nordspanien). Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 17: 172-173.
Schwarz, M. & Henk, A. (2002) Dreidimensionale thermomechanische Modellstudie zur Entwicklung des Oberrheingrabens. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Sonderband 3: 91-92.
Schwarz, M. & Henk, A. (2002) Thermomechanical modeling of the central and northern Upper Rhine Graben. Third Eucor-Urgent-Workshop, Abstracts Volume: 25.
Schwarz, M. & Henk, A. (2002) Tertiäre Reaktivierung variszischer Strukturelemente - dreidimensionale thermomechanische Modellierungen zur Entwicklung des Oberrheingrabens. Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 310.
Seyferth, M. & Henk, A. (2002) Coupled DEM and FEM models: an approach to bridge the gap between large-scale geodynamic and high-resolution tectonic modeling. EOS, Transactions, .83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl.: 1376-1377.
Seyferth, M. & Henk, A. (2002) The Distinct Element Method (DEM) - a new tool in quantitative basin analysis. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 21: 314.
Stober, I. (2002) Hydrogeological description of one of the largest drinking water reservoirs in Central Europe; the Upper Rhine Valley. Geological Society of America, 2002 annual meeting Abstracts with Programs, 34(6): 25.
Servais, T., Moczydlowska-Vidal, M. & Montenari, M. (2002): Evolutionsdynamik und Biodiversität des marinen Phytoplanktons (AAcritarchenA) im unteren Paläozoikum.B Geo2002-Tagung, Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung und Zukunft, Würzburg.
Vecsei A.& Berger W.H. (2002) The revised coral reef hypothesis. European Geophysical Society XXVII General Assembly Nice, BG6-1WE4A-003.
Vecsei, A. (2002) The carbonate platform depth window: Systematic yet enigmatic depth distribution of the world's modern carbonate shelves. International Association Sedimentologists, 16th International Sedimentological Congress Johannesburg, CD
Bertrand, G., Copeland, P. & France-Lanord, C. (2001) 40Ar/39Ar dating of detrital muscovites from modern rivers of Nepal. EOS, Transactions of the American Geopyhsical Union, 82(47), Fall Meeting Supplement: F478.
Bertrand, G., Rangin, C., Chamot-Rooke, N. & the G.I.A.C. Scientific Party (2001) Neogene tectonics along the Mogok Metamorphic Belt (Shan scarp, central Myanmar) recorded the Miocene regional kinematic reorganization. Terra Abstracts, 6(1): 400.
Henk, A. (2001) Three-dimensional finite element models of fault-controlled sedimentary basin formation. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Junker, R., Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2001) The Last Outpost of South Atlantic Rifting - The Albin Ridge/ Skeleton Coast, NW-Namibia. In: Roth, S. & Rüggeberg, A. (eds.): 2001 MARGINS Meeting: Program and Abstracts, Kiel, 2.10.-6.10.2001. Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 14: 103.
Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2001) Evolution of the Namibian Passive Continental Margin - Linking Erosion Onshore with Sedimentation Offshore in the Walvis Basin Area/ NW-Namibia. In: Roth, S. & Rüggeberg, A. (eds.): 2001 MARGINS Meeting: Program and Abstracts, Kiel, 2.10.-6.10.2001. Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft., 14: 118-119.
Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2001) Evolution of the Walvis Basin offshore NW-Namibia - preliminary results from FE-modeling and mass balance calculations.- In: Gaupp, R. & van der Klauw, S. (eds.): Sediment 2001: Programm, Kurzfassungen, Exkursionsführer, Jena, 6.6.-8.6.2001. Schriftenreihe der deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft., 13: 62.
Kukulus, M. & Henk, A. (2001) Evolution of the Walvis Basin Offshore NW-Namibia - Preliminary Results from FE-Modeling and Mass Balance Calulations. J. Conf. Abs., 6: 722-723.
Montenari, M. (2001) Initial extensional tectonic settings within the Lower Palaeozoic Armorican Terrane Assemblage: Geochemical and sedimentological evidence from the Vosges Mountains (France) and the Schwarzwald (Germany). Early Palaeozoic Palaeogeographies and Palaeobiogeographies of Western Europe and North Africa (IGCP 410, 421), Lille/France, Abstracts: 46.
Montenari, M. (2001) Marine realms within the Lower Palaeozoic Armorican Terrane Assemblage: palaeoecological indications from metamorphic palynology. APP Meeting 2001, Utrecht/Netherlands, Abstracts: 31.
Nemcok, M., Henk, A., Gayer, R.A., Vandycke, S. & Hathaway, T.M. (2001) Strike-slip fault bridge fluid pumping mechanism: insights from field-based paleostress analysis and numerical modeling. AAPG Annual Meeting, 3.-6.6.2001, Denver.
Nemcok, M. & Henk, A. (2001) Oil in foreland sourced by thrustbelt: Insights from numerical stress modeling and balancing in the West Carpathians. AAPG Annual Meeting, 3.-6.6.2001, Denver.
Servais, T., Montenari, M. & Stricane, L. (2001) Population dynamics in the galeate acrtitarch plexus (Cambrian-Ordovician): possible palaeoecological signals ?. APP Meeting 2001, Utrecht/Netherlands, Abstracts: 28.
Servais, T., Montenari, M. & Stricanne, L. (2001) Acritarchs at the Cambro-Ordovician boundary: biostratigraphy or ecophenotypism ?.- 45th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association 2001, Copenhaguen/Denmark, Abstracts: 25.
Ullemeyer, K., Siegesmund, S., Rasolofosaon, P.N.J. & Lueschen, E. (2001) Determination of Elastic Rock Properties and its Application in Geophysics. Proceedings of the 2nd German-Russian User Meeting on 'Condensed Matter Physics with Neutrons at IBR-2', pp. 46-52.
Ullemeyer, K. (2001). Geoscience applications to TOF neutrons at Dubna. Abstract, 2nd HIPPO Neutron Diffractometer User Workshop. Santa Fe, New Mexico USA, Feb 28 - Mar 02, 2001.
Ullemeyer, K., Siegesmund, S., Rasolofosaon, P.N.J. (2001) Modellierung elastischer Gesteinseigenschaften aus den Mineraltexturen und Vergleich mit experimentellen Ergebnissen. Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2001. Jülich, 19.-21.2.2001. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Materie und Material, 8: 186.
Ullemeyer, K., Siegesmund, S., Rasolofosaon, P.N.J. (2001) Experimental and texture-derived elastic properties of principal rocks from the TRANSALP seismic traverse. 5th Workshop of Alpine Geological Studies. Obergurgl, September 18-20, 2001. Geol. Paläont. Mitt. Innsbruck 25: 225-226.
Vecsei, A. (2001) Carbonate production potential on the world's low-latitude isolated banks. Internation Association Sedimentologists 2001 21st Meeting Davos, 165.
Vecsei, A. and Berger, W.H. (2001) CO2 release from carbonate shelves since 20 Ka. 7th Internation Conference on Paleoceanography Sapporo, 199.
Vecsei A. and Berger W.H. (2001) Impact of neritic carbonate production on atmospheric CO2 increase since the last glaciation: A new view on the 'coral reef hypothesis'. 2001 Margins Meeting (Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft und Geologische Vereinigung) Kiel, Abstracts. Schriftenreihe Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft 14: 221-222.
Behrmann, J.H. & Kopf, A. (2000) Balance of accreted and subducted sediment, Chile Triple Junction. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2: 141.
Daniel, C.G., Hollister, L.S., Parrish, R.R. & Grujic, D.J. (2000) Exhumation of the Main Central Thrust zone from lower crustal depths, eastern Bhutan Himalaya. Geological Society of America, 2000 annual meeting Abstracts with Programs, 32(7): 153.
Dresmann, H., Tanner, D.C. & Behrmann, J.H. (2000) Ein bilanziertes 3D-Profil durch die Nördlichen Kalkalpen am Westrand der Achental-Schubmasse. Terra Nostra 2000/5: 12-13.
Ebert, H.D., Borges da Silva, M., Lindenbeck, Ch. & Ulmer, H. (2000) Analysis of Intraplate Neotectonic Structures by Shaded, Perspective Visualization.- Terra Nostra, 2000/5, 14-15.
Ebert, H.D., Lindenbeck, C., Ulmer, H., Borges, M.S. & Pflug, R. (2000) Shaded, perspective visualization of morphostructural and geological data of SE-Brazil using the Geo3View system. . Brazil 2000, 31st International Geological Congress, abstracts, CD-ROM.
Fischbach, T., Behrmann, J., Kilian, R., Hegner, E. & Hohner, M. (2000) Geotectonic and geochemical implications on the tectonic development of the southernmost Andes. 17. Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, Stuttgart, Abstract Volume, p. 49.
Franke, W., Henk, A. & Stein, E. (2000) Exhumation of the Saxonian granulites; intrusion of low-viscosity material from the orogenic root into the foreland. Program and Abstracts - International Conference on Basement Tectonics, 15: 117-118.
Glück, M.C., Hergarten, S., Tanner, D.C., Behrmann, J.H. & Mazurek, M. (2000) Untersuchung auf Selbstähnlichkeit von Bruchmustern im spröd deformierten Kristallin der Insel Äspö (Schweden). Terra Nostra 2000/5: 20-21.
Gröger, H., Leiss, B., Ullemeyer, K. & Lebit, H. (2000) Quantitative texture analyses of deformed amphibolites and biotite schists. Terra Nostra 2000/5: 22.
Gröner, E., Verheyden, J., Behrmann, J.H. & Grujic, D. (2000) Paläospannungsanalyse in der Hangendscholle der Simplon-Abschiebung, Wallis (Schweiz). Terra Nostra 2000/5: 22-23.
Henk, A. (2000) Dynamic models of fault-controlled basin formation. Brazil 2000, 31st International Geological Congress, abstracts, CD-ROM.
Henk, A. & Kukulus, M. (2000) Evolution of the Namibian continental margin - insights from numerical models. Brazil 2000, 31st International Geological Congress, abstracts, CD-ROM.
Henk, A. & Kukulus, M. (2000) Modeling passive margin formation in Namibia - preliminary results. Terra Nostra, 2000/5: 26.
Henk, A. (2000) Dynamic models of fault-controlled basin formation. Terra Nostra, 2000/5: 25-26.
Hohner, M., Kilian, R., Wallrabe, H.-J. & Stern, C. (2000) New tephrachronological data from volcanoes of the Austral Andes. 17. Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, Stuttgart, Abstract Volume, p. 49.
Hohner, M., Stickling, M., Koch, J., Schneider, C., Kilian, R. & Fischbach, T. (2000) Geomorphological development and vegetational dynamics of a Holocene sediment bar in the southernmost Andes. 17. Lateinamerika_Kolloquium, Stuttgart, Abstract Volume, p. 50.
Koch, J. & Kilian, R. (2000) Dendroecological transect studies across the southern Andes at 53 S in Patagonia, Chile.- International Conference on Tree-Rings; Argentina, April 2-7, 2000, Abstract Volume.
Kilian, R. & Biester, H. (2000) Abrupt changes in the heavy metal and bromine content of lacustrine lake sediments related to plinian Eruptions in southernmost Patagonia, Chile.Silver Anniversary International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Ann Arbor, USA, Abstract Volume..
Krawczyk, C.M. & Henk, A. (2000) Origin and distribution of high-pressure rocks in the Saxothuringian Variscides; intracrustal plug flow or subduction erosion? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2.
Kukulus, M., Jarmuzewski, D. & Henk, A. (2000) Sedimentation und tektonische Prozesse in Halbgräben - Fallbeispiel und Analogmodellierung. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten Österreichs, 43: 79-80.
Lang, M., Behrmann, J.H. & Grujic, D. (2000) Squeezing Baryte-Nitrate migmatites: experimental seup, mechanics and rheology. Terra Nostra 2000/5: 32.
Lang, M., Grujic, D. & Behrmann, J. (2000) Partial melt formation and segregation in deforming rocks: an experimental study. . Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2: 41.
Lindenbeck, C.H., Ebert, H.D., Ulmer, H., Pallozzi Lavorante, L. & Pflug, R. (2000) TRICUT; a program to clip horizons and faults against terrain models - using VTK, rapid and TRIANGLE libraries. Brazil 2000, 31st International Geological Congress, abstracts, CD-ROM.
Montenari, M., Brocke, R., Fatka, O. & Servais, T. (2000) Morphology and Ecological Interpretation of Stelliferid Acritarch Processes.B X. International Palynological Congress, Nanjing, P. R. China, Abstracts: 119-120.
Pallozzi Lavorante, L., Ebert, H.D., Lindenbeck, Ch. & Ulmer, H. (2000) TRICUT: um programa para recortar falhas geológicas ao longo de superficies topográficas.VII. Simp. de Quantificação em Geosciências, Bol Res. Expandidos, Rio Claro, pp. 117-120.
Roller, S. & Behrmann, J.H. (2000) Microfabrics of fault rocks and palaeostress estimates from the Moresby Seamount low-angle detachment (Woodlark Basin, Offshore Papua New Guinea). Terra Nostra 2000/5: 48.
Schneider, C., Casassa, G.& Kilian, R. (2000): Regionale Klimadifferenzierung und Gletschermassenhaushalt im Bereich der andinen Kordilliere Patagoninens - ein Beitrag zur Erfassung aktueller Klimaschwankungen.- Fünfte Deutsche Klimatagung, Hamburg, Deutschland, Abstract Volume.
Seward, D., Grujic, D. & Schreurs, G (2000) Post Pan-African events in Madagascar; inferences from apatite fission-track analysis. Fission track 2000; 9th international conference on fission track dating and thermochronology, Abstracts. Geological Society of Australia, 58: 289-290.
Seyferth, M. & Henk, A. (2000) 3D finite element models of continental collision zones. Journal of the Czech Geological Society, 45: 259-260.
Tanner, D.C., Behrmann, J.H. & Dresmann, H. (2000) 3D-retro-deformation of the Northern Calcareous Alps around the area of the TRANSALP-Profile. Terra Nostra 2000/5: 55-56.
Tanner, D., Henk, A., Wörner, G. & Weikamp, C. (2000) Forward thermal finite-element modeling of the Andes at 21S over the last 30 Ma. Abstracts, Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, Stuttgart.
Timar-Geng, Z., Grujic, D. & Behrmann, J.H. (2000) Kinematische Analyse im bereich der Deckengranze zwischen der Leventina- und der Simano-Decke (Kanton Tessin/Schweiz). Terra Nostra 2000/5: 57.
Ullemeyer, K., Siegesmund, S & Rasolofosaon, P.N.J. (2000) Elastic Properties of Rocks from the TRANSALP Seismic Traverse. Terra Nostra 2000/5: 59.
Ullemeyer, K., Siegesmund, S. & Rasolofosaon, P.N.J. (2000) Elastic Properties of Rocks from the Tauern Window, derived from Laboratory Experiments. Abstract, 2nd TRANSALP colloquium, Oct. 8-9, Munich.
Ulmer, H., Lindenbeck, Ch., & Berg, S. (2000) Geometric modeling of fossil Porifera; volume reconstruction using the visualization toolkit. Brazil 2000, 31st International Geological Congress, abstracts, CD-ROM.
Ulmer, H., Lindenbeck, Ch. & Berg, S. (2000) Geometric modeling of fossil Porifera; volume reconstruction using the visualization toolkit. Brazil 2000, 31st International Geological Congress, abstracts, CD-ROM.
Vecsei, A. (2000) New estimate of global reef carbonate production. Abstracts 9th International Coral Reef Sympoium Bali, 252.
Vecsei, A. (2000) Database on isolated carbonate banks. Abstracts 9th International Coral Reef Sympoium Bali, 404
Wosnitza, E.M., Grujic, D. & Behrmann, J.H. (2000) From "raw" to "well done": a new apparatus to perform scaled thermo-mechanical analogue experiments. Terra Nostra 2000/5: 64.
Wosnitza, E.M., Behrmann, J.H. & Grujic, D. (2000) Stress in the life of a collisional orogen - data analysis of thermomechanical analogue experiments. Terra Nostra 2000/5: 64.
Wosnitza, E., Behrmann, J.H. & Grujic, D. (2000) Thermomechanical analogue modelling of continental collision. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2: 137.
Behrmann, J.H. & Stiasny, S. (1999) Balance of coeval Mid-Oligocene to Mid-Miocene crustal stretching in the Alps and crustal convergence in the Carpathians.. Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4: 73.
Berger, W.H. & Vecsei, A. (1999) Reef growth and the Stage-11 problem. Am. Geophys. Union, Fall Meeting San Francisco
Gawlick H.-J., Frisch, W., Vecsei, A., Steiger, T. & Böhm, F. (1999) Die Entstehung der Radiolaritbecken im Mittel- und Ober-Jura der Nördlichen Kalkalpen als Ergebnis der Subduktion der Tethys. Kurzfassungen 14. Sedimentologentreffen Bremen. Terra Nostra 99: 76-78.
Grujic, D., Wosnitza, E. & Behrmann, J. (1999) Thermomechanical Analogue Modelling of crustal processes: first experiences. Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4: 606.
Hanel, M., Kober, B., Montenari, M. & Kalt, A. (1999) Sedimentation ages of Paragneisses from the Schwarzwald (SW Germany) Inferred from Palynomorphs and Single Zircon 207Pb/206Pb ages.B Terra Nova 4(1): 98.
Hanel, M., Kober, B., Kalt, A., Montenari, M. & Wimmenauer, W. (1999) Palynomorphs and single zircon ages from paragneisses of the Schwarzwald (SW Germany): constraints on sedimentation ages.B Terra Nostra 99(1): 94-95.
Kalt, A., Hanel, M., Kober, B., Montenari, M. & Wimmenauer, W. (1999) Petrostructural features, ages and geodynamic evolution of the metamorphic basement in the Schwarzwald (Variscan Belt, Germany).B European Journal of Mineralogy 11: 117.
Kilian R., Franzen, C., Koch, M., B. Stern, C.R., & Altherr, R. (1999) Metasomatism of the mantle wedge below the southern Andes. International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, Göttingen; Abstract Volume.
Montenari, M. (1999) Calciclastic Turbidites from the Southern Vosges Basin (Central Variscan Belt): Reconstruction of a lost Carboniferous Carbonat Platform.B Terra Nostra 4(1): 742.
Montenari, M. & Servais, T. (1999) Lower Palaeozoic (Late Cambrian - Early Ordovician) acritarchs from the metasedimentary Baden-Baden zone (Schwarzwald, SW Germany). Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica 43: 243-244.
Montenari, M., Servais, T. & Paris, F. (1999) Palynomorphs from Metasedimentary Units of the Schwarzwald (SW Germany).B APP-Tagung, Tübingen, Programm und Beitragskurzfassungen: 50.
Mrkwiczka, S., Grujic, D. & Ullemeyer, K. (1999) Quartz texture analysis in granulite rocks using neutron time-of-flight diffraction; example from Pan-African intrusions in southern Madagascar. Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4(1): 835-836.
Roller, S., Kopf, A., Behrmann, J.H. & ODP Leg 180 Shipboard Scientific Party (1999) Structures and petrophysics of rocks in the vicinity of an active detachment fault system, western Woodlark Basin (SW Pacific). Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4: 391.
Seward, D., Grujic, D. & Schreurs, G. (1999) Exhumation history of southern Madagascar as revealed by zircon and apatite fission-track thermochronology. In: Yoshida, M., Muhongo, S., Rambeloson, R.A. & Janardhan, A.S. (eds.) Madagascar within Gondwanaland. Gondwana Research, 2: 353-354.
Tanner, D.C., Behrmann, J.H., Oncken, O. & Weber, K. (1999) Backtracking isotope ages by 3D retro-deformation. An example from the Western Bohemian Massif (Germany). Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4: 459.
Thiel, S., Behrmann, J.H. & Schumacher, J.C. (1999) Provenance analysis of Caledonide trench and backarc sediments, Ballantrae Ophiolite and Southern Uplands (Scotland). Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4: 82.
Thimm, K.A., Parrish, R.R., Hollister, L.S., Grujic, D., Klepeis, K. & Dorji, T. (1999) New U-Pb data from the Lesser and Greater Himalayan sequences in Bhutan. Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4(1): 57.
Vecsei, A. (1999) Fore-reef carbonate production: A global assessment. International Symposium Paleoceanology of Reefs and Carbonate Platforms: Miocene to Modern, Aix-en-Provence, Abstracts, 213.
Vecsei, A. (1999) Distribution of isolated carbonate banks, atolls, and reefs. International Symposium Paleoceanology of Reefs and Carbonate Platforms: Miocene to Modern, Aix-en-Provence
Walter, T., Grujic, D., Gärtner, H., Nivet, J.-M., Voland, Ch. & Tanner, D. (1999) Topographic analyses of (analogue models on) superposed folds. Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4(1): 608.
Woerner, G., Gerdes, A., Henk, A., Tanner, D. & Finger, F. (1999) Magmatism in thickened continental crust; examples from the Variscan Orogen (southern Bohemian Massif) and Central Andes. In: Dietrich, P.G., Franke, W., Merkel, B.J. & Herzig, P. (eds.): 89th annual meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung; Old crust, new problems; geodynamics and utilization; abstracts and programme. Terra Nostra, 99-1: 212-213.
Wosnitza, E.M., Grujic, D. & Behrmann, J.H. (1999) Thermomechanical Modeling: Soon Reality? Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4: 610.
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Behrmann, J.H. & Stiasny, S. (1998) Quantitative reconstruction of orogenic convergence in the north-east Carpathians. Terra Nostra, 98/1:2.
Behrmann, J.H. & Kopf, A. (1998) Extrusion mechanics in active mud volcanoes on the Mediterranean Ridge. Annales Geophysicae, 16:C76.
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Kilian, R. & Hegner, E. (1998) Trace element and isotopic systematics of volcanic rocks from the Southern Andes - witnesses of the development of the Miocene to Recent slab window. Terra Nostra, 98/5: 84-85
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Montenari, M. & Hanel, M. (1998) Palynology of the Metamorphic Baden-Baden - Zone: A Comparison between the Schwarzwald and the Vosges.B Terra Nostra 98(3): 233-234.
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Tipper, J.C. (1998) Recognising stratigraphic facies patterns. Proceedings of the fourth annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG), 4: 650-653.
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Behrmann, J.H. & Tanner, D.C. (1997) Fractal geometry of leucosome networks in migmatite. Implications for extraction of granitic magmas from partially molten systems. Terra Abstracts, 9: 202.
Duringer, P. & Vecsei, A. (1997) Signification des bancs calcaires micritiques monolithiques du Muschelkalk Supérieur de l'Est de la France. 6e Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Montpellier, Résumés, 97-98.
Grujic, D. & Mancktelow, N.S. (1997) High-grade shear zones; analogue experiments and comparison with examples from southern Madagascar. In: Cox, R. & Ashwal, L.D. (eds.): Proceedings of the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-348/368 international symposium and field workshop on Proterozoic geology of Madagascar; abstract volume. Gondwana Research Group Miscellaneous Publication, 5: 27.
Hanel, M., Montenari, M. & Lippolt, H. J. (1997) Ages of Sedimenation and Mylonitization of Paragneisses from the Schwarzwald (SW Germany) Deduced from Palynology and 40Ar/39Ar Dating. Terra Nova 9(1): 102.
Krecher, M. (1997) Visean Slope Sedimentation in the Southern Vosges (NE-France): Terra Abstracts, 9: 264.
Mandau, T., Heunisch, C., Lewandowsky, A., Luppold, F.W. & Vecsei, A. (1997) Gesamtprofil und Ablagerungsraum vom Unteren Muschelkalk bis zum Mittleren Keuper in Bohrungen aus dem Saarland. Kurzfassungen 12. Sedimentologentreffen Köln. Terra Nostra 97/2: 143.
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Seward, D., Grujic, D. & Schreurs, G. (1997) Exhumation history of southern Madagascar as revealed by zircon and apatite fission-track thermochronology. In: Cox, R. & Ashwal, L.D. (eds.): Proceedings of the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-348/368 international symposium and field workshop on Proterozoic geology of Madagascar; abstract volume. Gondwana Research Group Miscellaneous Publication, 5: 92-94.
Tanner, D.C., Behrmann, J.H., Oncken, O. & Weber, K. (1997) Three-dimensional restoration of the transpressive Upper Cretaceous deformation event along the western margin of the Bohemian Massif, Germany. Terra Abstracts, 9:110.
Tipper, J.C. (1997) Local compositional relationships in polymineralic sedimentary rocks. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG), 3: 1047-1048.
Vecsei, A. & Duringer, P. (1997) Triasisphaera: an as yet unknown micrite-producing planktonic organism from the Middle Triassic (Upper Muschelkalk) of Eastern France. 5th Meeting of Swiss Sedimentologists, Fribourg, 96.
Vecsei, A. & Duringer, P. (1997) A Middle Triassic limestone composed of unknown planktonic organisms: An example of the origin of early Mesozoic micrites. 87. Jahrestagung Geol. Vereinigung, Terra Nostra 97/1: 18-19.
Vecsei, A. (1997) Sequence stratigraphy of the Germanic Triassic: A different view from the south-western part of the basin. Kurzfassungen 12. Sedimentologentreffen Köln. Terra Nostra 97/2: 248.
Vecsei, A. (1997) High-resolution chronostratigraphy of sequences in low-relief basins. Internat. Assoc. Sedimentologists, 18th Regional Meeting, Heidelberg, Abstracts. Gaea Heidelbergensis, 3: 350-351
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Hanel, M., Montenari, M. & Lippolt, H. J. (1996) Early Paleozoic sedimentation age and Upper Carboniferous shearing of amphibolite facies metasediments from the Moldanubian Zone of northern Schwarzwald (Bühl-1 drilling site), SW Germany. European Journal of Mineralogy 8: 88.
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Kopf, A., Flecker, R., Robertson, A.H.F, Woodside, J.M., Brumsack, H.-J., Cramp, A. & Behrmann, J.H. (1996) Mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge; insights from the Milano and Napoli mud domes (ODP Leg 160). Terra Nostra, 96-4: 54-55.
Lindenbeck, Ch., Ulmer, H., Ebert, H.D. & Pflug, R. (1996) Geometrische 3D-Modellierung und Visualisierung eines Sandbox-Experiments: Transpressionstektonik im präkambrischen Ribeira-Belt (SE-Brasilien). Terra Nostra, 8: 85-86.
Montenari, M. (1996) Appearance of microfossils in high-grade metamorphic rocks from SW-Germany. IX. International Palynological Congress, Houston/Texas USA, Abstracts: 110.
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Vecsei, A. (1996) Contrasting sequence types in a cratonic basin: Muschelkalk and Keuper, western Germanic Basin. Fourth meeting of Swiss sedimentologists, Fribourg, Abstracts, 29-30.
Vecsei, A. (1996) Sequence stratigraphy and diagenesis in the Miocene-Oligocene off New Jersey (ODP Leg 150). 86. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung, Amsterdam, Abstracts. Terra Nostra 96/1: 34.
Vecsei, A., Compton, J.S., Hicks, K.S., Hoppie, B.W. & McCracken, S. (1996) Carbonate and opal diagenesis along sequence boundaries in Eocene-Miocene slope sediments off New Jersey (ODP Leg 150). In: 1st EuroColloquium DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm ODP, Oldenburg. Terra Nostra 96/4: 86.
Behrmann, J. & Kilian, R. (1995) Chemical and isotopic constraints on the origin of Pleistocene to Pliocene trench sediments at the Chile Triple Junction. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 76: A450.
Behrmann, J. & Kilian, R. (1995) Chemical and isotopic constraints on the origin of Pleistocene to Pliocene trench sediments at the Chile Triple Junction. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; XXI general assembly; abstracts, 21: 450.
Eberli, G.P., Whalen, M. T. & Vecsei, A. (1995) Differentiating highstand and lowstand deposition in onlapping carbonate wedges. In: Hine, A.C. & Halley R.B. (prefacer) Linked Earth systems, 1st SEPM Congress Sedimentary Geology, Congress Program and Abstracts, 1: 51.
Kilian, R. & Behrmann, J.H. (1995) Terrigenous sediment contributions to Andean arc and Chile Ridge magmas. European J. Mineral., 7(Beih. 1): 127.
Sanders, D., Bernoulli, D., Eberli, G. & Vecsei, A. (1995) Facies architecture and environmental changes along the Priabonian-Oligocene carbonate shelf margin of Montagna della Maiella, Italy. Third Meeting of Swiss Sedimentologists, Fribourg, Abstracts, 32.
Vecsei, A. (1995) Riffevolution in Oberkreide bis Oligozän in Mittelitalien und der Einfluß der Kreide/Tertiär-Grenze auf die Entwicklung von Karbonatplattformen. DFG Schwerpunktprogramm Globale und regionale Steuerungsprozesse biogener Sedimentation: Riff-Evolution und Kreide-Sedimentation, 6. Schwerpunktkolloquium Marburg, Themen-Kreis "Riff-Evolution", Kurzberichte und Publikationslisten, 66-67.
Vecsei, A. (1995) Sequenz-stratigraphische Bedeutung und Ursprung zyklischer physikalischer Eigenschaften im Miozän und Oligozän des ostamerikanischen Kontinentalrands (ODP Leg 150, Site 903). In: Kolloquium DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm ODP, München, 55-56.