Documentation for vtkVectorDot

vtkVectorDot - generate scalars from dot product of vectors and normals (e.g., show displacement plot)

Super Class: vtkDataSetToDataSetFilter


vtkVectorDot is a filter to generate scalar values from a dataset. The scalar value at a point is created by computing the dot product between the normal and vector at that point. Combined with the appropriate color map, this can show nodal lines/mode shapes of vibration, or a displacement plot.



void vtkVectorDot ()
const char *GetClassName ()
void PrintSelf (unknown & ,vtkIndent )
static vtkVectorDot *New ()
void SetScalarRange (float ,float )
void SetScalarRange (float *)
float *GetScalarRange ()
void Execute ()


Detailed Method Descriptions:

Construct object with scalar range is (-1,1).

static vtkVectorDot *New ()

Specify range to map scalars into.

void SetScalarRange (float ,float )
void SetScalarRange (float *)

Get the range that scalars map into.

float *GetScalarRange ()