Documentation for vtkImageFFT

vtkImageFFT - Fast Fourier Transform.

Super Class: vtkImageFourierFilter


vtkImageFFT implements a fast Fourier transform. The input can have real or imaginary data in any components and data types, but the output is always float with real values in component0, and imaginary values in component1. The filter is fastest for images that have power of two sizes. Multi dimensional FFT's are decomposed so that each axis executes in series.



static vtkImageFFT *New ()
const char *GetClassName ()
int SplitExtent (int ,int ,int ,int )
void ExecuteImageInformation ()
void ComputeRequiredInputUpdateExtent (int ,int )
void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData * ,vtkImageData * ,int ,int )


Detailed Method Descriptions:

Used internally for streaming and threads. Splits output update extent into num pieces. This method needs to be called num times. Results must not overlap for consistent starting extent. Subclass can override this method. This method returns the number of peices resulting from a successful split. This can be from 1 to "total". If 1 is returned, the extent cannot be split.

int SplitExtent (int ,int ,int ,int )