Documentation for vtkImageCityBlockDistance

vtkImageCityBlockDistance - 1,2 or 3D distance map.

Super Class: vtkImageDecomposeFilter


vtkImageCityBlockDistance creates a distance map using the city block (Manhatten) distance measure. The input is a mask. Zero values are considered boundaries. The output pixel is the minimum of the input pixel and the distance to a boundary (or neighbor value + 1 unit). distance values are calculated in pixels. The filter works by taking 6 passes (for 3d distasnce map): 2 along each axis (forward and backward). Each pass keeps a running minimum distance. For some reason, I preserve the sign if the distance. If the input mask is initially negative, the output distances will be negative. Distances maps can have inside (negative regions) and outsides (positive regions).



void vtkImageCityBlockDistance ()
static vtkImageCityBlockDistance *New ()
const char *GetClassName ()
void InterceptCacheUpdate ()
void ComputeRequiredInputUpdateExtent (int ,int )
void Execute (vtkImageData * ,vtkImageData *)


Detailed Method Descriptions:

Intercepts the caches Update to make the region larger than requested. Create the whole output array.

void InterceptCacheUpdate ()