vtkHyperStreamline is a filter that integrates through a tensor field to
generate a hyperstreamline. The integration is along the maximum eigenvector
and the cross section of the hyperstreamline is defined by the two other
eigenvectors. Thus the shape of the hyperstreamline is "tube-like", with
the cross section being elliptical. Hyperstreamlines are used to visualize
tensor fields.
The starting point of a hyperstreamline can be defined in one of two ways.
First, you may specify an initial position. This is a x-y-z global
coordinate. The second option is to specify a starting location. This is
cellId, subId, and cell parametric coordinates.
The integration of the hyperstreamline occurs through the major eigenvector
field. IntegrationStepLength controls the step length within each cell
(i.e., this is the fraction of the cell length). The length of the
hyperstreamline is controlled by MaximumPropagationDistance. This parameter
is the length of the hyperstreamline in units of distance. The tube itself
is composed of many small sub-tubes - NumberOfSides controls the number of
sides in the tube, and StepLength controls the length of the sub-tubes.
Because hyperstreamlines are often created near regions of singularities, it
is possible to control the scaling of the tube cross section by using a
logarithmic scale. Use LogScalingOn to turn this capability on. The Radius
value controls the initial radius of the tube.