vtkConnectivityFilter is a filter that extracts cells that share common
points and/or meet other connectivity criterion. (Cells that share
vertices and meet other connectivity criterion such as scalar range are
known as a region.) The filter works in one of six ways: 1) extract the
largest connected region in the dataset; 2) extract specified region
numbers; 3) extract all regions sharing specified point ids; 4) extract
all regions sharing specified cell ids; 5) extract the region closest to
the specified point; or 6) extract all regions (used to color the data by
vtkConnectivityFilter is generalized to handle any type of input dataset.
It generates output data of type vtkUnstructuredGrid. If you know that
your input type is vtkPolyData, you may wish to use
The behavior of vtkConnectivityFilter can be modified by turning on the
boolean ivar ScalarConnectivity. If this flag is on, the connectivity
algorithm is modified so that cells are considered connected only if 1)
they are geometrically connected (share a point) and 2) the scalar values
of one of the cell's points falls in the scalar range specified. This use
of ScalarConnectivity is particularly useful for volume datasets: it can
be used as a simple "connected segmentation" algorithm. For example, by
using a seed voxel (i.e., cell) on a known anatomical structure,
connectivity will pull out all voxels "containing" the anatomical
structure. These voxels can then be contoured or processed by other
visualization filters.